Mobile Nuclear Medicine: Philips ForteMobile Nuclear Medicine: Philips Forte
• Philips/ADAC® Forte™ PowerPack Variable Angle EPIC™ SPECT and Whole-Body System
▪ Two Rectangular EPIC™ Detectors
▪ 55 Photo-multiplier tubes interfaced to 55 A/D converters
▪ Dual 3/8” NaI 20”x15” FOV detectors
▪ Useful detector energy, linearity and uniformity correction
▪ CardioTrac™ 90 SPECT acquisition
▪ Automated cardiac positioning and centering
▪ Tracking zoom electronics
▪ Optimized beveled detector heads and collimators
▪ Independent radial detector drives and software
▪ Three 600 channel pulse height analyzers
• FreeDome™ Gantry
▪ High stability open gantry design
▪ X-ACT™ robotics featuring automatic set-up of gantry, detector, collimators and patient table for maximum throughput
▪ EZX™ position for stretcher imaging
▪ Wide 28.5: patient access between collimated detectors for imaging large patients and unobstructed monitoring
• VersaTable™
▪ Multipurpose SPECT, whole-body and general imaging patient table 85”x15” with motorized vertical and lateral translation control
▪ Fully cantilevered open table for easy patient loading and positioning
▪ 400lb. capacity carbon fiber pallet for maximal rigidity and patient comfort
• Integrated automatic collimator exchanger
▪ Automatic collimator exchanger serves as storage rack and server
▪ Storage provided for up to four (4) pairs of collimators
▪ Available in left or right hand camera orientation
• PowerPack acquisition system
▪ Dual monitor operator control console with cart
▪ Integrated video persistence scope on console with convenient real time patient image or energy spectral display
▪ User defined acquisition protocols
• Embedded Sun Ultra AXi server
▪ Advanced UltraSPARC 11i architecture (360 MHz)
▪ 128 Mbytes memory
▪ 9 Gbyte hard disk
▪ Integrated 100 Mbyte Iomega ZIP drive
▪ Powerful Solaris 2.6 – Y2K compliant
• Pentium acquisition computer
▪ 8 MB memory
▪ 8KB internal CACHE
▪ Integrated 1.44 MB 3.5” floppy drive
▪ Ethernet 16 bit LAN card (10/100 Mbps data transfer rate)
▪ 30 Amps power distribution unit (powers gantry and Atlas™)
• One set (2) LEGP collimators
• AutoQUANT® gated SPECT processing and display software
▪ QPS: Quantitative Perfusion SPECT
▪ QGS: Quantitative Gated SPECT
Other Inclusions:
• DICOM software package Included
• GlobalQ® Software Included
• 6.0 kVA UPS Included
• Four Quadrant Bar Phantom Included
• Three (3) days on site application training Included
• Delivery Included
• Full Service Contract Included

Wake Forest, NC 27587
(919) 747-9622
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